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ODA NA E PISCADOR ta un proyecto di investigacion, arte y comunidad cu a wordo desaroya conhuntamente cu artista visual local Samuel Sarmiento. E ta un proyecto nos a desaroya pa Stichting Rancho su programa celebrando e 200 aña di Oranjestad na 2024.
E proyecto a consisti di un blog curatorial y artistico, un exhibicion di arte presentando e obranan di Samuel Sarmiento na Aruba, un exhibicion online, y un programa publico.
E proyecto a ta explora e historia di Rancho como un poblacion di piscador, su comunidad y e tradicionnan di pesca local. Nos proceso di investigacion a inclui archivonan publico, literatura y material audiovisual, y informacion oral den entrevistanan cu algun miembro di e comunidad.
Nos meta cu ODA NA E PISCADOR no tabata solamente pa colecta, presenta y preserva material valioso tocante e piscador Arubano y nos tradicion di pesca local. Tambe nos kier promove discusionnan rond di e tema di herencia cultural y e importancia di su proteccion.
ODA NA E PISCADOR por ser realisa danki na e sosten financiero di Mondriaan Fonds.
ODE TO THE FISHERMEN is a research, art, and community project developed in collaboration with local visual artist Samuel Sarmiento. It is a project commissioned by Rancho Foundation as part of their program, celebrating Oranjestad's 200th anniversary in 2024.
The project consisted of curatorial- and artistic-blog entries, an art exhibition showcasing the works of Samuel Sarmiento in Aruba, an online exhibition, and a public program.
This project explored the history of Rancho as a fishing village, its community, and local fishing traditions. Our investigation process included public archives, literature, audiovisual material, and information from interviews with some community members.
Our goal with ODE TO THE FISHERMEN was not only the collection, presentation, and preservation of invaluable knowledge about the Aruban fisherman and our local fishing tradition. It also wants to promote discussions around intangible cultural heritage and the importance of its protection, outside of the project.
ODE TO THE FISHERMEN is made possible thanks to the support and funding of the Mondriaan Fund.
E blog curatorial ta comparti algun di e preguntanan, storianan, y dinamicanan cu a informa e enfoke curatorial pa e exhibicion. E blog artistico ta comparti un tiki di e proceso creativo di e artista. E publicacionnan aki di blog tin e intencion pa inicia discusion pa investigacion futuro y documentacion di comunidanan di pesca local y practicanan.
The curatorial blog entries share some of the questions, stories, and dynamics that informed the curatorial approach for the exhibition. The artistic blog entries shed some insight into the creative process of the artist. These blog entries are meant to be discussion initiators for future research and documentation of local fishing communities and practices.
E exhibicion a tuma lugar di 16 di juni te cu 4 di augustus 2023 den e sede di Fundacion Rancho, na Oranjestad, Aruba. E exhibición a ofrese visitantenan e oportunidad pa envolve nan mes cu e cuentanan di e comunidad di Rancho y e tradicion di pisca pa intensifica e conexion cu un parti di herencia cultural di Aruba.
E exhibicion a presenta pinturanan grandi riba canvas, dibuhonan, y ceramica traha door di Samuel Sarmiento. Den e obranan aki, nos por mira con Sarmiento ta uza su maestria di narrativa y e fluidez di e espacionan ambiguo e ta traha, pa capta den waterverf, ceramica, y acrilico, fragmentonan di storianan cu ta den wordo perdi. Pa lesa mas tocante e exhibicion, tira un bista riba e resumen di e expo.
The exhibition took place from 16 June to 4 August 2023 in the headquarters of the Rancho Foundation in the heart of the neighborhood of Rancho, Aruba. The exhibition offered visitors the opportunity to engage with the stories of the Rancho community and the fishing tradition to deepen the connection with a part of Aruba's cultural heritage.
The exhibition presented large-sized paintings on canvas, framed drawings, and ceramics by Samuel Sarmiento. In these works, we see how Sarmiento employs his mastery of narratives and the fluidity of ambiguous spaces to capture in watercolors, ceramics, and acrylics, fragments of stories on the brink of being forgotten. To read more about the exhibition, check out our exhibition's overview.


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