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info session

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Samuel Sarmiento, pescador y sus amigos, tecnica mixto riba papel, Aruba, 2010.

Durante e anochi informativo aki, Clifford Rosa (presidente di Fundacion Rancho), Ana Maria Hernandez (curador y coordinador di proyecto) y Samuel Sarmiento (artista local) a presenta e proyecto.
Durante e anochi, e audiencia a comparti nan ideanan, pregunta y comentario tocante e investigacion y e projecto.
On this informative evening, we held presentations by Clifford Rosa (president of Rancho Foundation), Ana Maria Hernandez (curator and project coordinator), and Samuel Sarmiento (local artist).
The audience shared with us their ideas, questions, and feedback on the investigation and project.
ODA NA E PISCADOR a ser presenta na Villa Sträuli na Winterthur, Suisa. Esaki a tuma luga den e evento 'Open Studio', parti di e residensia curatorial di Ana Maria Hernandez, e productor cultural y curador di e proyecto. Hernandez a presenta su pensamentonan, pregunta y proseso di e proyecto den un discusion cu e audiencia. Esaki a ser acompaña pa un presentacion 'pop-up' unda a mostrá algun di e obranan di Samuel Sarmiento crea pa e exhibicion di ODA NA E PISCADOR, y un instalacion pa parti contexto historico, social, y economico di e isla y di Waf di Playa / Waf'i Rancho.
ODE TO THE FISHERMEN was presented at Villa Sträuli in Winterthur, Switzerland. This took place in an Open Studio event, part of the curatorial residency of cultural producer and curator of the project Ana Maria Hernandez. Hernandez presented the thoughts, questions, and process of the project in an open discussion. This was accompanied by a pop-up presentation showing some of the works created by Samuel Sarmiento for the exhibition ODA NA E PISCADOR and an installation sharing some historical, social, and economic context of the island and the Waf di Playa/ Waf'i Rancho.

exhibition opening


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